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感谢好友雨星推荐的 CG MODEL 

三维模型代表一个3D对象使用一个由各种几何在三维空间实体连接点的集合。 一个免费的3D模型,完全可以节省您的预算和最后期限。 平均来说,一个建模节省建模时间超过2小时的时候,他们可以得到一个免费的3D模型。

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今天,三维模型被用在各种行业。 电影业使用他们的图片和对象为字符议案的动画和现实生活。 视频游戏产业用这些资产作为工业计算机和视频games.The建筑用它们来证明提出景观的建筑物,并通过  建筑模型。 医疗行业使用的器官详细模型。

我们知道如何用一个三维模型可以。 因此,我们爬进互联网搜索和下载免费提供3D的模型的建立。 这里有多达60个网站,下载免费的3D模型 。 全部列表后跳!

 :三维模型,其中一些有限制的权利。 这意味着他们不容许使用的商业。 我们敦促你检查他们的权利之前使用  用途。

  1. 三维共提供人力人物,家庭,身体部位,车辆,武器,外来人物,建筑,中世纪,卡通,星球大战,场景,动物,分类三维模型免费的东西科幻,低polu和mechaniods。


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  2. TurboSquid是3D产品在世界上最大的图书馆。 他们提供超过300个免费下载3D模型。


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  3. 详细的模型范围从非常简单的正式集结型号只有几个街区,通过基础内部/外部空间演练模式,到详细的室内/有完整的家具和美化外观模型。


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  4. 免费下载15000 +的三维模型,而不需要注册。


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  5. 在谷歌3D模型库是一个网上的三维模型库。 任何人都可以搜索和下载模式,而是要发布你自己,你将需要使用您的登录谷歌帐户。

    模型格式: 精工

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  6. 免费的3D模型下载。


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  7. 下载高品质的3D 3dsmax的,玛雅,Softimage公司,光波模式。 (三维汽车,三维人,三维家具等)。对于所有的三维动画和多媒体作品的使用。


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  8. 的集合 三维动画,最大,的PRJ和OBJ 方案文件供您使用三维的不同应用。


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  9. 艺术家3d.com是一个免版税的三维模型,三维动画工作室与同类车型最大的自由交流的目录。 3D艺术家和图形设计师可以自由地向个人和非商业用途的三维模型或下载。


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  10. 而由美国航天局免费提供的三维模型三维资源。


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  11. 你一定会找到一些有趣的和有用的3DMS,接收到yourquestions大部分答案,你在下载的最大型号银行网上一个需要3D模型。


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  12. 你可以使用这些模型(目)版税在自己的工作来创建二维图像,动画,图形或Web图形打印免费。 您可能还包括你的一部分,在一个软件包学分专有格式和惊人的3D图形,他们公司的书面许可


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  13. 免费下载材料,mdels,纹理,着色器。


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  14. 这个博客的目的是,收集教程,如3D对象,Photoshop的画笔,过滤器,免费软件免费的东西,模板等等。


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  15. 所有的3D模型,免费对任何使用(C / P)的类型。 一个版本是在0.3局副局长格式非常方便和实用的3D模型集。


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  16. 模型格式:obj的

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  17. 模型格式:混合,最大值,三维动画,

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  18. 需要一个三维模型? 这里是一个样式,大小,主题和格式的集合。


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  19. 下载3D从最高质量的在线目录模式。


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  20. 增强操作的新的3D版本的Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended中的功能! 从Adobe下载免费的3D - Tools的模型。


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  21. 超过5000个免费的3D家具模型,纹理,CAD在0.3局副局长。Max和。dxf的。


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  22. 每个月从3dplants.com CD和下载的产品将提供不同型号的免费样品。


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  23. 模型格式:最大,三维动画,汽车,电线,雅,C4d的,哈根达斯,DWG格式

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  24. 只有可口的免费3D模型。


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  25. 下载免费的3D CAD模型。


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  26. 模型格式:最大,三维动画,obj的

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  27. 模型格式:最大,三维动画,pz2的,PP2的,obj的

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  28. 免费下载的三维动画和3D模型。


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  29. 这些对象可以自由用于个人或商业3D艺术和动画使用。 三维模型也可以在与POV -射线,四维影院和/或波前OBJ文件格式。

    模型格式:与POV -射线,C4d的,OBJ文件

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  30. 免费的3D汽车模型。


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  31. 这104收集  3D对象是下载可用于。 适合您的室内装饰设计空间和建筑效果图。


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  32. 免费的3D模型了Autodesk Maya,3D Studio Max的和其他的3D方案 - 的Autodesk Maya三维动画及特效软件程序的高级用户初学者免费模式。

    模型格式:3D Studio Max的,XSI的,ZBrush的,搅拌机,Softimage公司,四维影院,Terragen,布莱斯与波塞尔

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  33. 该模型是一个免费网站,提供  MD2的三维模型在3ds格式,布莱斯,波塞尔,光波和。 也是一个很大的收集纹理中使用你最喜欢的建模和渲染程序。


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  34. 我们的访客提供光渲染的三维建模,材质,纹理和材料,教程免费收藏知道程序,以获得高品质的渲染图像和动画等。


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  35. 终极的3D科幻资源。


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  36. 下载高品质的3D 1500模型文件免费。 大多数模型可在MAX中,DXF文件,三维动画,OBJ文件。 对于PC,Mac和Unix平台的3D格式。 在此集合,你可以找到车,人,船,动物等等。


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  37. Kit3dmodels,一个三维家具,灯具及饰品大集合。


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  38. 不同格式的免费的3D模型。


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  39. 的3D ContentCentral ?是一个免费的服务和宏定位,配置,下载,并请求3D零件和装配体,2D块,库特征。 积极参加  的493038 CAD用户谁分享并下载用户贡献和供应商认证的3D零件和装配体,2D块,库特征和宏。


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  40. 免费三维动画模型室内和家具。 所有型号都在3DS - ZIP压缩格式和包装。


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  41. 3DModelSharing.com是的CAD相关媒体展示。 3DModelSharing邀请通过他们的数百个不同的CAD文件库,您可以浏览。


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  42. 模型格式:最大值,三维动画,C4d的

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  43. 免费的3D的鱼类,昆虫和花朵模型。


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  44. Rocky3d specializew提供最优秀的有用的三维场景和动画模型。 他们有成千上万的模型(其中很多都是免费的!)由小而有用的对象范围。


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  45. 下载星Terk吸引网格和三维对象。


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  46. 这个网站的目的是提供大型模型的研究人员在  图形和相关领域。


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  47. 一个小的三维模型,数字动画师归档,多年来获得。 数字动画师已经前进,为您的Visual catagorized通过他们的喜好类别。


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  48. 对象数据库标准化的3D。


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  49. 一种高品质的3D模型和部分源代码中包含了一些免费的模式,您可以下载免费提供的,它们是免费的。


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  50. Cadalyst世界提供的免费3D模型,纹理,教程最大的选择,插件Studio和光波的三维立体的dupdates。


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  51. 波塞尔免费下载包括免费的3D模型,免费波塞尔身体造型,免费波塞尔面对变种,免费姿势,免费的3D服装图书馆,免费波塞尔Python脚本,免费波塞尔轻集,免费波塞尔脸室模块,免费波塞尔脸姿势,免费波塞尔字符姿势,自由滑纹理贴图,免费服装的质地,及更多。


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  52. 可下载的三维飞机模型在3ds,最大,lwo和C4d格式。


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  53. 对/网格上可供下载PlanIT三维模型,都可能被用来在自己的工作版税免费的,如果你给予适当的信贷PlanIT三维。


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  54. 模型格式:三维动画,lwo

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  55. 免费室内设计的三维模型下载。


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  56. 模型格式:最大,三维动画,芯,lwo,朗讯全球服务部

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  57. 模型格式:最大,三维动画,MB的,芯,obj的

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  58. 三维Gurukul提供这种增值的CG Environment.Great源的三维建模,游戏免费的东西,设计,纹理的3D家庭,三维图形,三维动画。


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  59. 模型格式:obj的,拉木

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  60. 模型格式:最大,三维动画,DXF文件,lwo

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  61. 最新的3DVIA是品牌的达索系统6。 他们的任务是扩大3D内容创建和经验,以新的  和消费者的共同语言与利用为目标的三维。



1. 3D Total 3D Total provides free stuff on 3D model in categories of human characters, household, body parts, vehicles, weapons, alien characters, architecture, medieval, cartoon, star wars, scenes, animals, sci-fi, low-polu and mechaniods. Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo, mb
2. TurboSquid TurboSquid is the largest library of 3D products in the world. They offers over 300 free 3D models for download. Model formats: Max, 3ds, oth, obj, lwo, mb
3. Great Buildings The models range in detail from very simple formal massing models of just a few blocks, through basic interior/exterior spatial walkthrough models, up to detailed interior/exterior models complete with furnishings and landscaping. Model formats: 3dmf
4. Archive3D.net Free 15000+ 3D models for download without registration required. Model formats: gms, 3ds
Warehouse 5. Google 3D Warehouse The Google 3D Warehouse is a online repository of 3D models. Anyone can search for and download models, but to publish your own, you’ll need to sign in using your Google account. Model formats: skp
6. 3DModelFree Free 3D models download. Model formats: 3ds
7. 3DXtras Download High Quality 3D Models for 3DSMAX, Maya, Softimage, Lightwave. (3D Cars, 3D People, 3D Furnitures, etc). For use in all your 3D Animation and multimedia works. Model formats: Max, 3ds, c4d, dwg, obj, mb
8. DLegend A collection of 3ds ,max ,prj and obj files for you to use in diffrent applications of 3d programs.
Model formats: 3ds ,max ,prj, obj, mb
Artist9. Artist-3D Artist-3d.com is a free exchange directory of royalty free 3d models, 3ds studio max & similar type models. 3D artists and graphic designers can freely submit 3d models or download ones for personal and non-commercial use. Model formats: 3ds, obj, pz3, pp2, max, mb
10. NASA 3D Model 3D resources for free 3D models which provided by NASA. Model formats: 3ds
11. 3dm3 You would certainly find 3DMS something interesting and useful, receive answers to most of yourquestions, to download 3D models which you need in one of the biggest Models Bank on-line. Model formats: max, 3ds, obj, mb
12. Amazing3D You may use these models (meshes) royalty-free in your own work to create 2D images, animations, print graphics or web graphics. You may also include them as part of your software package in a proprietary format with credits and written permission from Amazing 3D Graphics, Inc. Model formats: Max, 3ds
13. 3D Download Blog Free download for materials, mdels, textures, shaders. Model formats: Max, 3ds, mb
14. Dewantoro Network The purpose of this blog is, to collect tutorial, free stuff like 3d object, photoshop brush, filters, free software, templates and many more. Model formats: Max, 3ds
15. CGI All 3d models are free for any type of use (c/p). The version one is collection of very useful and handy 3d models in .3ds format. Model formats: 3ds
DD16. DD-Freebies Model formats: Obj
17. Exchange 3D Model formats: blend, max, 3ds,
18. Corporate Media New
s Need a 3D model? Here is a collection of styles, sizes, themes and formats. Model formats: Max, 3ds, wrl, lwo
19. WireCase Download 3D models from a catalog of the highest quality online. Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo, blend, obj, fbx
Adobe20. Adobe-Tools Enchance the new 3d features of Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended version! Download free 3d models from Adobe-Tools. Model formats: Max, 3ds
21. Mr Furniture Over 5000 free 3D models for furniture, textures, CAD in .3ds, .max and .dxf. Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf
22. 3D Plants Each month a different model from the 3dplants.com CDs and downloadable products will be offered as a free sample. Model formats: obj, 3ds, dxf, lwo
23. ShareCG Model formats: Max, 3ds, car, wire, jas, c4d, daz, dwg
24. 3Delicious Only delicious free 3d models. Model formats: Max, 3ds, gsm, lwo
25. Archibase Download Free 3D CAD models. Model formats: 3ds, dxf, max, dwg
26. Top 3D Models Model formats: Max, 3ds, obj
CG27. CG-Files Model formats: Max, 3ds, pz2, pp2, obj
28. Top3D Free download for 3D animation and 3D models.
Model formats: Max, c4d, 3ds
29. Oyonale The objects are freely usable for your personal or commercial 3D art and animations. The 3D models are available in POV-Ray, Cinema 4D and/or Wavefront OBJ formats. Model formats: POV-Ray, C4D, Obj
30. DMI Car 3D Models
Free 3D models for vehicles. Model formats: lwo, max, 3ds, dxf, obj, gsm
Creative31. Creative-3D This collection of 104 royalty free 3D objects is available for download. Perfect for furnishing your interior design spaces and architectural renderings. Model formats: 3ds
Infinitee32. Infinitee-Designs Free 3D Models for Autodesk Maya, 3D Studio Max and other 3D programs – Free models for beginners to advanced users of Autodesk Maya 3D animation and special effects software program. Model formats: 3D Studio Max, XSI, Zbrush, Blender, Softimage, Cinema 4D, Terragen, Bryce & Poser
33. Telias Free the models is a site that offers royalty free 3d models in 3ds, bryce, poser, lightwave and md2 format. Also a great collection of textures to use in your favorite modeling and rendering program. All the content is free for any use. Model formats: 3ds, poser, md2, lwo
34. Render Light
Render Light offers our visitors FREE collections of 3D modeling, shaders, textures and materials, tutorials to know the procedures to get high quality render images and animations and more. Model formats: Max
Sci35. Sci-Fi 3D The ultimate 3D Sci-Fi resources. Model formats: Max, 3ds, fbx, lwo
36. Altair Models Download over 1500 high quality 3d model files free of charge. Most models are available in Max, Dxf, 3ds, Obj. 3D formats for Pc, Mac and Unix platforms. In this collection you can find cars, humans, ships, animals and much more. Model formats: Max, Dxf, 3ds, Obj
37. Kit 3D Kit3dmodels, a great collection of 3d furniture, lamps and accesories. Model formats: Max, dxf
38. 3DAllusions Free 3D models in diferent formats. Model formats:
 Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo
39. 3d Content Central 3D ContentCentral is a free service for locating, configuring, downloading, and requesting 3D parts and assemblies, 2D blocks, library features, and macros. Join an active community of 493,038 CAD users who share and download user contributed and supplier-certified 3D parts & assemblies, 2D blocks, library features and macros. Model formats: cad, 3ds
40. Klicker Free 3DS Models for interior and furniture. All models are in 3DS-format and packed in ZIP. Model formats: 3ds
41. 3d Model Sharing 3DModelSharing.com is a showcase of CAD related media. 3DModelSharing invite you to browse through their library of hundreds of different CAD files. Model formats: cad
42. 3d Auto Club Model formats: MAX, 3DS, C4D
43. Toucan
Free 3D models for fishes, insects and flowers. Model formats: 3ds
44. Rocky3d Rocky3d specializew in providing the finest useful 3D models for your scenes and animations. They have thousands of models (many of which are FREE!) ranging from small but useful objects. Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo
45. Trekmeshes Download Star Terk meshes and 3D objects. Model formats: Max, 3ds, cob, lwo
46. Large Geometric Models Archive The purpose of this site is to provide large models to researchers in computer graphics and related fields. Model formats: PLY, VRML, dxf, lwo
47. Digital Animators A small archive of 3D models that Digital Animators has obtained over the years. Digital Animators has gone ahead and catagorized them by catagory for your visual preferences. Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo
48. The 3d Archive
Standardized 3D object database. Model formats: q3o
49. Model3D A source of high quality 3D models and free section contains some models, which you can download gratis, they are free of charge. Model formats: Max, 3ds, arcon, o2c
50. Cadalyst Cadalyst offers worlds largest selection of free 3D models, textures, tutorials, plugins an dupdates for 3D studio and lightwave 3D. Model formats: Max, 3ds, cad, lwo
51. Apollo Maximus
Free Poser Downloads include free 3D models, free Poser body morphs, free Poser face morphs, free poses, free 3D clothing library, free Poser python scripts, free Poser light sets, free Poser face room module, free Poser face poses, free Poser character poses, free figure texture maps, free clothing textures, & more. Model formats: obj
Silver52. Silver-Wings Downloadable 3D aircraft model in 3ds, max, lwo and c4d format. Model formats: Max, 3ds, c4d, lwo
53. PlanIT 3D All of the models / meshes available on PlanIT 3D for download may be used royalty-free in your own work if you give proper credit to PlanIT 3D. Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo
54. The Singularity Model formats: 3ds, lwo
55. Total-3d TotalFree 3D model download for interior design. Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo
56. 2001 3D Archive Model formats: Max, 3ds, cob, lwo, lws
57. 3D Valley Model formats: Max, 3ds, mb, cob, obj
58. 3D Gurukul 3D Gurukul offers this free stuff 
for betterment of CG Environment.Great source for 3D Modeling, Games, Designs, Textures, 3D Home, 3D Graphic, 3D Animations. Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo
59. 3D Faws Model formats: obj, lha
60. 3DXO Model formats: Max, 3ds, dxf, lwo
1.  3DVIA 2. 3DVIA is the newest of Dassault Systèmes’ 6 brands. Their mission is to extend 3D content creation and experience to new businesses and consumers with the goal of utilizing 3D as their common language. 3. Model formats: 3DXML, kmz


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